Online word-guessing game Feudle resembles Hangman. A search query starts with a phrase, and the player must guess the word Google autocomplete proposes to complete it. The game gives the user six chances to guess the word and provides visual feedback to aid them.
Feudle starts with a search query like "How to make a ____." The player must guess Google autocomplete's suggested term to complete the search. Word letters are represented by game tiles. A horizontal line of tiles indicates the word's letter count.
The player can guess letters by selecting them from bottom-of-screen letter tiles. The player will fill in tiles with letters if they guess a word letter. If the player predicts a non-word letter, a hangman figure will appear on screen.
Visual feedback helps players narrow their guesses. Correct letter tiles are green, improper letter tiles are red.
Give Feudle a try!
Have fun and good luck!