With Pokerogue, you can join a group of people who like both trainer games and roguelike games. PokeRogue is for Pokemon fans who want a new challenge that will test their ability to think strategically and come up with new plans.
There are many stages in PokeRogue, and each one is a fight against wild Pokemon, trainers, or tough bosses. Most of the time, there are wild battles, but trainers can show up almost anywhere. At the end of each biome (more on those later) and legendary encounters, there is a boss battle.
To make your Pokemon match the other player, you can arrange and modify them. This is very important because the changes you make to your Pokemon's stats last between wild battles! But this freedom goes away when you face trainers. Your team is locked in here, and any buffs or debuffs to stats are lost before the fight. Trainer battles also test your skills because the other trainers' Pokemon prioritize super-effective moves and switch to moves that take advantage of their type. Wild Pokemon, on the other hand, depend on attacks that come from nowhere.
Pokerogue is a game that you can never really get tired of. Due to its procedurally generated environments and constantly changing challenges. There's always something new to learn, a new boss to beat, or a different mix of players on the team to try out. This feeling of always finding something new is what keeps you interested and coming back for more.
Have fun and good luck!